
Table of Contents

1 Definition

  • non linear data structure
  • A tree can be empty with no nodes or a tree is a structure consisting of one node called root and zero or one or more subtrees.
    • each node should have only 1 parent
    • no unconnected parts in the graph

2 TODO Binary Tree

3 Advanced Trees

3.1 Prefix Tree/Trie

  • need to know range of allowed characters
  • Node Class:

    class TrieNode:
      def __init__(self):
        self.children = [None] * 26 # assuming lowercase 26 characters
        self.endsHere = False       # for search() vs prefix()
  • Visualizing:

                  EndsHere: False
                  | a | b | c | d |
                        |   |
                       /     \
                      /       \
        --------------         ----------------
        |                                     |
    EndsHere: True                      EndsHere: True
    | a | b | c | d |                   | a | b | c | d |
  • While searching make sure to use endsHere boolean to judge is the inserted word ends there
  • Alternate construction from LC answer:

    for w in words:
      for c in w:
        if c not in t:
      t['#']='#'         # used to mark end of word

3.2 Segment Tree

  • Can be helpful in numerous range query problems such as finding minimum, maximum, sum, greatest common divisor, least common denominator in logarithmic time
  • Each node contains aggregate information (min, max, sum…)

3.2.1 Structure

  • Example: 2,4,5,7,8,9
  • Tree view:

        |                        |
        6                        29
    +---+----+          +--------+-------+
    |        |          |                |
    2        4          12               17
                    +---+----+        +--+---+
                    |        |        |      |
                    5        7        8      9
  • Can be implemented using a tree or an array
  • array view:

    • child(i) = 2i + 1 and 2i + 2 (0 based index)
    35 29 6 12 17 2 4 5 7 8 9

3.2.2 TODO Array View

  1. Building
    • bottom up approach
    • Example

      input = [2,4,5,7,8,9]
      n = len(input)
      tree = [0] * (2 * n)
      for i in range(n, 2 * n):
        tree[i] = input[i - n]
      for p in range(n - 1, -1, -1):
        l = (2 * p)
        r = (2 * p) + 1
        tree[p] = tree[l] + tree[r]
      [35, 35, 29, 6, 12, 17, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9]
  2. Updating Tree
    • When we change the original array at index i, we need to propagate the change up
    • update leaf, then its parent…up to the root
    • Example:

      35 29 6 12 17 2 4 5 7 8 9
      39 33 6 16 17 2 4 9 7 8 9
    • Code

      def updateTree(i, val):
        pos = n + i
        tree[pos] = val
        while pos > 0:
          r = l = pos
          # children(i) = 2i and 2i + 1
          if pos % 2 == 0:
            r += 1
            l -= 1
          p = int(l / 2)
          tree[p] = tree[l] + tree[r]
          pos = p # parent is the new element which has changed
      updateTree(2, 9)
      [74, 39, 33, 6, 16, 17, 2, 4, 9, 7, 8, 9]
      • Remember: children(i) = 2i and 2i + 1
  3. TODO Range Query (Sum, Min, Max…)

3.2.3 Tree View

  1. Building
    • similar to building binary search tree from an sorted array
    • Example: 2,4,5,7,8,9

                                      |  35   |
                                      | 0 - 5 |
                     |                                        |
                 |  11   |                                |  24   |
                 | 0 - 2 |                                | 3 - 5 |
                     |                                        |
               +-----+------------+                 +---------+------------+
               |                  |                 |                      |
           |   6   |          |   5   |         |  15   |               |  9    |
           | 0 - 1 |          | 2 - 2 |         | 3 - 4 |               | 5 - 5 |
               |                                    |
          +----+--------+                    +------+--------+
          |             |                    |               |
      |   2   |     |   4   |            |   7   |       |   8   |
      | 0 - 0 |     | 1 - 1 |            | 3 - 3 |       | 4 - 4 |
    • Code

      input = [2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9]
      class Node:
        def __init__(self, val, start, end):
          self.val = val
          self.start = start
          self.end = end
          self.left = None
          self.right = None
      def createTree(input, l, r):
        if not input or l > r:
          return None
        root = Node(0, l, r)
        if l == r:
          root.val = input[l]
          return root
          m = (l + r) // 2
          root.left = createTree(input, l, m)
          root.right = createTree(input, m + 1, r)
          root.val = root.left.val + root.right.val
          return root
      segtree = createTree(input, 0, len(input) - 1)
  2. Update
    • find appropriate index, update the val and re-calculate the val while bubbling-up
    • Code:

      def updateTree(tree, i, val):
        if tree.start == tree.end and tree.start == i:
          tree.val = val
        m = (tree.start + tree.end) // 2
        if i <= m:
          updateTree(tree.left, i, val)
          tree.val = tree.left.val + tree.right.val
          updateTree(tree.right, i, val)
          tree.val = tree.left.val + tree.right.val
      updateTree(segtree, 2, 9)
  3. Range Query
    • answer queries
      • if queried range == node range then return val
      • if whole queried range < node range then recursively call left; similar for right
      • else split range: query left and right subtree
    • Code

      def query(root, i, j):
        if not root:
          return 0
        if root.start == i and root.end == j:
          return root.val
        m = (root.start + root.end) // 2
        if j <= m:
          return query(root.left, i, j)
        elif i > m:
          return query(root.right, i, j)
          return query(root.left, i, m) + query(root.right, m + 1, j)
      print(query(segtree, 0, 5))
      print(query(segtree, 2, 5))
      print(query(segtree, 4, 5))

Author: Anurag Peshne

Created: 2019-03-22 Fri 22:26

Emacs 26.1 (Org mode 9.2.1)
